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Community Rules

No Spam

All posts, comments, and contributions must be meaningful and relevant to the Drift community. Spamming, excessive self-promotion, or irrelevant content will not be tolerated.

Respect Drift Sequences

Do not alter, destroy, or disrupt the flow of any ongoing Drift sequences or collectives. Contributions should add value, not detract from the experience.

Age Requirement

You must be at least 18 years old to sign up and participate on Drift.

No Adult Content

Posting or linking to adult content, including but not limited to nudity, pornography, or explicit material, is strictly prohibited.

No Harassment or Hate Speech

Drift is a community for everyone. Harassment, bullying, discrimination, or hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated.

Respect Intellectual Property

Only post or link content that you have the right to share. Respect copyrights, trademarks, and intellectual property rights of others.

No Impersonation or Misleading Information

Do not impersonate others or post misleading content designed to deceive the community. Transparency is key.

No Illegal Activity

Any content or activity promoting illegal behavior will result in immediate removal and account suspension.

No Destructive Edits or Manipulations

Contributions to Drifts or collectives should enhance the experience, not diminish or sabotage it. Do not manipulate or edit Drifts in a way that distorts their original intent.

Stay On Topic

Ensure that your Drifts and contributions align with the theme or purpose of the collective or discussion. Off-topic posts may be removed.

No Automated Bots or Unauthorized Tools

Contributions should be made by real people. The use of bots or automated tools to generate content or interactions is not allowed.

Report Violations

If you see content that violates these rules, report it to the Drift moderation team.

Keep it Safe for Work (SFW)

All content should be appropriate for a general audience. Avoid posting anything that might be considered offensive or inappropriate in a professional environment.

Respect Privacy

Do not share personal information of other users without their consent. Respect the privacy and confidentiality of others.

Collaborate Respectfully

Drift is built on collaborative exploration. When contributing to collectives, engage with respect and consideration for the contributions of others.

Contact Us

Visionlight Productions Inc.
Box 549 Rosenort MB, Canada R3G 1W0

By using Drift, you agree to this Privacy Policy and understand how we collect, use, and protect your information.

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